Is there really a introduction needed for Bill Gates? Just in case we will refresh your memory. Mr Gates started the company Microsoft in 1987 with the first release of Windows 1.0. Fast forward 10 years and Microsoft was the most valuable company in the world. So with all this money behind him, what watch does Bill Gates wear?
Bill Gates has since stepped back as CEO of Microsoft and started doing Philanthropy work in the mid 2000’s. He now dedicates most of his time to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in which he commits billions of dollars to malaria research and so much more.
So What Watch Does Bill Gates Wear?
- Casio W214H
Yes you read that correctly. Bill Gates is wearing a Casio W214H watch which comes in at a whopping $17. You may be wondering why someone who’s worth is valued at $80 Billion would be wearing such a cheap watch? Well it comes down to functionality.
Bill Gates has said in a recent interview that he chose this watch due to its accuracy and claims that it tells better time than a Rolex. He also notes that this watch has a backlight for telling the time and checking in on his kids at night.
When you think about Bill Gates as a person it starts to make sense. Not once have i ever seen Mr Gates driving around in a Ferrari or wearing outlandish luxury clothing. He believes in letting your actions speak louder than the items that you wear to represent wealth.